Training Distractors in Scent Work
Learn how to enhance your dog's ability to ignore distractions and stay focused on the scent work task at hand.
What to pack
Jam Packed with Bonuses: explore a variety of exercises that will empower your dog to choose to ignore distractors and prioritise finding the hidden scents.
Maintain Your Dog's Skills
Discover techniques to maintain your dog's skill in leaving distractions and focusing on the primary goal of scent work.
Uncover the Secrets of Scent Work Distractors
Welcome to an exclusive webinar designed for all Scent Work enthusiasts. Dive deep into the world of training distractors and equip yourself with essential insights and exercises to enhance your dog's performance in scent work.
Meet Peta, Your Trainer
I'm Peta, and I'm thrilled to share my expertise with you. With years of experience in scent work training, I'm here to guide you through innovative approaches to handling distractors and maximizing your dog's potential in scent work challenges.
Distractor webinar recordings & PDF of slides
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Part 1 with captions
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Part 2 with captions
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Part 1 without captions
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Part 2 without captions
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PDF of slides
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Videos that I presented in the webiar
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Teaching baby Robin to work around food
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Spaz leaving food I accidently left there!
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Using a visual target stick to build a clean, simple search loop
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Clean loops away from food to station
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First formal session with odour and food distractor
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Food nearby working on alert behaviour on SWAT
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food distractor and target odour close, increasing the dificulty and durtation of the search
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adding the flirt pole into the search area. using the SWAT to help him be successful
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Another example of searching in the presence of food distractors
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Helping Robin move away from distractor with luring and reinforcing coming away
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Reinforcing leaving distractors
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Beaten by Ham
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Next training session after beaten by ham - change in context and reinforcing leaving Ham
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Rethinking distractors and the changes of conditions during a search - odour avalability
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Rethinking distractors and the changes of conditions during a search - minimal target odour v maximum distractor odour
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Rethinking distractors and the changes of conditions during a search - Handler position
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Rethinking distractors and the changes of conditions during a search - duration of a search
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Additional videos and resources
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Article on distractor training
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Alert behaviour training sessions with open food container nearby
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Help them to do the right thing
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Working past a new toy distractor in a single hide search
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New toy as distractor with multiple hides
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An example of a lumpy training session
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Experimenting with reinforcer types
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Working with environmental distractors - A track with swallows using flirt pole to substitute chase behaviour as reinforcer
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Working with environmental distractors - Choosing your reinforcer wisely for dogs motivated by chasing birds and rabbits etc
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Working with environmental distractors - Reinforcing playing with me (and ignoring the swallows) by cuing Robin to chase them!
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Working with environmental distractors - Short, straight track in the presence of swallows
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Working with environmental distractors - Quick loops to target odour in the presence of swallows - getting there!
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Working with environmental distractors - Swallows as reinforcer for found hide
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Working with environmental distractors - Premack - find the hide to chase the swallows
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Advanced trial Kangaroos - under what conditions can Robin search?
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Training sessions after the kangaroo trial looked like a lot of this!
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Example of building value for odour session.
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Article on the using the Premack Principle in dog training
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Another building value for odour session.
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This stuff works!
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This video needed a chapter on its own!
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Ready to make sense of Distractors in Scent Work?
Take the first step towards mastering the art of training distractors. Join our webinar today and unlock a new level of understanding in scent work training. Prices Listed in USD